![]() ![]() ![]() News letter 16th May
Good Evening Everyone,
We return to Church tomorrow with the opening of St Johns at 10.45am for a service of Holy Communion.
The remaining churches will reopen from next week.
If you are coming to Church please bring your own prayer book.
I am looking forward to meeting you all in due course
When returning to Church please observe the following precautions.
We observe these precautions as a sign of our care and respect for others as well as ourselves and it is important that the church gives a good example in all of the following.
1. Sanitize your hands
2. Wear a face mask.
3.Keep social distance
4. Respect the guidance of the church wardens.
Let's look out for each other
That being said our churches should be very safe places as they are large and airy with natural draughts and with plenty of space for our small congregations.
For those who wish to receive Holy Communion spiritually (Just remain in your pews and use this prayer.)
Thanks be to you, Lord Jesus Christ. For all the benefits that you have given to me.
Since I am not able for the moment to receive you sacramentally,
I ask that you come spiritually into my heart.
O most merciful redeemer, friend and brother, may I know you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly day by day. Amen
We extend our sympathy to the family of the late Catherine Doherty(nee McArthur) wife of the late Rev Raymond Doherty who was Rector of Tralee during the late 1970's and on into the 1980's
Many of our long standing parishioners would remember Catherine fondly as a kind and gentle lady who served the parish in many ways ,in the mothers union and as a leader in the Brownies.
We extend our sympathy to her daughter Imelda and son Kevin and their families. Catherine resided in Ennis where she remarried following Raymonds sudden death while he was Rector of Ennis.
Rogation Days
The Rogation days precede the ascension and it's a time when we think of farmers and all who work on the land and at sea and indeed those who provide the food which we enjoy.
The Collect
Almighty God, whose will it is that the earth and the sea should bear fruit in due season:
Bless the labours of those who work on land and sea,
grant us a good harvest and the grace always to rejoice in your fatherly care;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Easter Vestries
Tralee and Ballymac, Tuesday 1st June in Teach an tSolais at 7.30pm.
Camp and Dingle , Tuesday 8th June in Kilgobbin Church
![]() Comfort for Chemo,
Well done to Linda Woods who has linked in with Comfort for Chemo which is raising funds to fund a Chemo therapy unit in UHK.
Linda would to thank everyone who so generously donated to the Charity Cycle which has raised €16,000 which is amazing.
Linda is very appreciative of those who cycled with her in Kerry and those who also cycled in many corners of Ireland. Its a wonderful achievement, Well done