April 2023
Ballyseedy 9.45 am |
Tralee 10.45 am |
Ballymac 12 noon |
Kilgobbin 10.00 am |
Dingle 12 noon |
Palm Sunday 2nd April |
HC |
HC |
MP |
MP |
No Service |
Easter Day 9th April |
No Service
HC |
HC |
HC |
HC |
16th April |
MP |
MP |
MP |
No Service |
MP |
23rd April |
No Service |
HC |
HC |
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MP |
30th April |
No service |
MP |
No Service |
No Service |
United Service Féile Na Bealtaine 11am |
Sympathy to the Adcock family of Ventry and the UK on the death of the late Bruce Adcock. Bruce’s funeral took place in Dingle followed by burial in Miltown Cemetery Dingle.
To Suzanne, Jean and Alison and their families on the death of their Mum Mary Kinch, Mary was a much loved and faithful parishioner and contributed so much to the life of our parish through the decades. She was part and parcel of everything that happened in St Johns and had a can-do positive attitude and was always present. Even this year she was very much part of the Christmas Fair, supporting Suzanne who made the Christmas Cake and she was right beside her selling tickets. She was in Church five weeks before she died and we have so much to be grateful to God for in her long life. Her funeral was held in St Johns and she was buried beside her beloved husband John in Oakview cemetery.
To the family of George Boyle in Tralee and Killorglin, George rarely missed a Sunday in St Michaels or before that in St James Killorglin.
He contributed so much to the life of mid Kerry, providing employment, as a member of the development Committee and trustee of Dooks Golf Club, the building committee for St Michaels Church Killorglin. He was so proud of the new shop on the Iveragh road and spent so much time there meeting customers and friends alike. He called in there the Sunday before he Died. He will be greatly missed by his wife Muriel and their family and by his brothers Ernie and Alfie in Tralee and Richie in Castlemaine and their families as well as the parishioners in St Michaels in Killorglin.
Congratulations to Olivia Giles and PJ O’Connor who were married in St Johns Ashe Street on the 5th March. Oliva and PJ reside in Castleisland.
Ballyseedy Commemoration.
Ceremonies took place in Knocknagoshel and Ballyseedy to commemorate ambushes in those locations during the civil war. What took place in both of these locations one hundred years ago were terrible acts and remind us so vividly of the depts to which humankind can descend. It was very moving to listen to the account of the events by local historian Owen O’Shea as he outlined not just the suffering of the men in the lead up to their deaths but the suffering endured by their relatives and dependents for many years afterwards and the particularly the experiences of women who attended the scenes after the events. The deaths during the civil war and during any war are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to suffering and distress. The distress of the dependents who have lost the most important person in their lives. A loved one violently wrenched from them, the loss of income and place, together with all the other associated stresses that percolate through the families and dependents for years afterwards.
It was very good of Bishop Michael to be present at both sites where he also spoke and shared in a short service with Bishop Ray Brown.
Services during Holy Week
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Ballyseedy @ 8pm
Thursday Ballymacelligott @ 8pm
Good Friday Kilgobbin @ 3pm
Good Friday Tralee @ 8pm
Easter Day Services 0f Holy Communion
Camp 10am
Tralee 10.45am
Ballymac 12noon
Dingle 12 Noon
Easter Vestries
Camp and Dingle, Wednesday 17th April @7.30pm in The Old School in Camp.
Tralee and Ballymacelligott, Teach an tSolais, Thursday 27th April @7.30pm.
Mothering Sunday was observed in the various churches, In Tralee, Daffodils were given to all in recognition of their mothering qualities. The daffodils were sourced in Killarney and the proceeds go to Daffodil day. Apple Trees were also presented to those who were confirmed last year.
Féile Na Bealtaine,
Féile Na Bealtaine is wonderful weekend during which large crowds come to Dingle and St James Church is at the heart of it. There is always such a buzz around Dingle that weekend.
This year we will have a Bi Lingual service in St James at 11am on the 30th April, this will be a united service for the camp and Dingle part of the parish. There is always such a buzz around Dingle that weekend. All are welcome
Note from Recovery Haven.
Recovery Haven Kerry (Cancer Support House) have a new 6-week online Cancer Thriving and Surviving course beginning Tuesday the 25th of April at 10.30am-1pm. (Intro session 18th April). Please ring reception 066 7192122 for more information.
Bishops Appeal
€4,457 was raised for Bishops Appeal for the Turkey -Syria appeal. Thank you for your generosity.
To Niamh Gascoigne from Camp who received an award in University of Limerick for achieving a distinction in her Junior Cert Business studies exam, Well done to Niamh.
Easter reminds us that:
Goodness is stronger than Evil,
Love is stronger than hate;
Light is stronger than darkness;
Life is stronger than death;
Victory is ours through Him who loves us.