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Tralee & Dingle Newsletter February 2018
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Ballyseedy 9.45 am |
Tralee 10.45 am |
Ballymac 12 noon |
Kilgobbin 10.00 am |
Dingle 12 noon |
4th February |
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14th February |
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18 th February |
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25th February |
N/A |
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Mid-week Services –
Holy Communion each Wednesday at 11.00am in St. John's Church, followed by coffee and fellowship in the Ashe Hotel.
Healer Prayer Group:
The group meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 8.00pm in Teach an tSolais.The next meeting will be on the 6thFebruary.
Parish Website:
It is
always lovely to welcome new
parishioners who come to
live in our parish. Everyone
who comes amongst us brings
their own their own
particular gifts. Charlie
and Jan Smith who have moved
to Tralee from Glenbeigh
have hit the ground running.
Charlie has very kindly
agreed to set up a parish
website, which is can be
viewed and is still under
construction. It has a page
for each of the churches in
the group plus Teach an
tSolais), an events page and
a gallery, and a lectionary
page The
address of the site is http://www.traleedingle.
Charlie still needs photographs of Ballymacelligott or Ballyseedy churches.
Sheet Music:
One of Charlie’s friends
discovered some old sheet
music and programmes, some
of which dated from the 19th
century. These sheets were
very fragile and Charlie has
very kindly loaded them on
to the website where they
can be viewed without
damaging the hard copies.
They can be seen at http://www.traleedingle.
Daisy May Scott was welcomed into Christian family at her baptism, which took place during the morning service in Ballyseedy Church on the 21st January. Daisy is the daughter of David Scott and Louise O’Connor.
The confirmation service will be held on the 6th May in Tralee, Classes will began with a service in St Johns on the 14thJanuary. Classes began on the 24th January in Teach an tSolais.Please remember in your thoughts and prayers: Ali Tarrant, Alison McEvoy, Alex Marritz, Amy Darcy, Charlotte Geary, Christina Ronan, Christopher Boyle, Kate Feeney, Mark Kenny and Rosie Giles.
Family Service.
A family service will be held today the 4th February in St John’s to celebrate Candelmass which is observed on the 2nd February.
Youth Club:
The next meeting of the youth club will take place at 6pm on the 11th February. We will have a chef present who will help us cook some delicious treats.
Municipal District Annual Award to Tralee Soup Kitchen.
Four awards were presented in the council chamber in Tralee by the Mayor of The Municipal District, Councillor Norma Foley.
One of these awards was presented to the Tralee Soup Kitchen, which is run by volunteers in the parish centre attached to St John’s Ashe Street. The award was accepted by Collette Price and Dawn Roberts. The soup kitchen is supported by a large cross section of groups and individuals and by the parish which provides the parish centre and support facilities .
It provides meals for up to one hundred people on a Saturday morning and a take away dinner for the following day, hampers are also provided at Christmas time. As well as providing food it also provides friendship and a sense of community for those who avail of its services.
Ash Wednesday.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday , which is also St Valentines day, Services will be held in St John’s Ashe Street at 11am and in Camp and Ballymacelligott churches at 7pm.
St John’s and Kiltallagh National Schools will take part at the service in Tralee. It will lovely to see the two schools under Church of Ireland management in Kerry meeting up for worship and some fellowship.
It was with great sadness that we learnt last Wednesday of the death of Richard Arnold Fitzell. Richard was always present at the mid week service in St John’s, he would arrive a little early to help prepare the Church for the service. We missed him on that morning and we will continue to miss his gentle presence in Church and in particular at the mid week service where he will continue to be remembered.
We offer our prayers and sympathy to his sisters Lillian , Olive and to is brother Frank , Niece Alice and Nephew Adrian. His removal and funeral services were held in his native Tarbert.
Lenten Study Groups:
It is hoped to have Lenten study group meet during lent, Details will be announced in Church.
Meeting your neighbours:
The first meeting will take place this Monday evening at 7.30pm in Teach an tSolais.
Diocesan Council for mission:
Our Diocesan council for mission have chosen to support the installation of water tanks in schools in the diocese of Swaziland. It is hoped that our schools and parish organisations will contribute to this worthy project. It is also customary to support Bishops Appeal during Lent.
News from the West –
Women's World Day of Prayer: There will be an Eccumenical Service on Friday 2nd March at 7.30pm in Kilgobbin Church when we will follow the service prepared by the women of Suriname. All very welcome to join us as we celebrate 'All God's Creation is Good!'
Sympathy: Camp Church and Community were saddened by the recent death of Eugene Deane. For many years Eugene generously used his skills to repair or find solutions to problems in our churches and Rectory. He will be sadly missed and extend our sincere sympathy to his brother Patrick and all the family.