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News Letter February 2021
Parish website www.traleedingle.ardfert.anglican.org Email : stjohns.ashestreet@gmail.com
Tralee and Dingle Group of Parishes | Facebook
Rev Phyllis Jones retired from her position as the assistant priest in the parish at the end of January. I am delighted that Phyllis will be remaining with us in retirement and I look forward to her continued presence and support in the future .
Phyllis certainly has left her mark in the parish and esp. in the Camp and Dingle area where she lived. She has managed with the help of the select vestry to resolve three very difficult property issues which took up a lot of the time and energy of select vestry in the past. Hopefully the plans that she has being involved in for St James will happen too in due course.
While it is not possible to gather to mark her retirement at the moment we will do so once its safe to do so. We wish Phyllis and Keith a happy retirement in Tralee.
We also wish The Rev Robert Warren and his wife Vera well on Roberts retirement as Rector of Taney in Dublin. We look forward to meeting them in due course when they have settled back in our midst in due course.
Tralee and Ballymacelligott Christmas Fair gofund me appeal, An Update.
As we head into the final week of our fundraiser, we would like to thank all those who have contributed most generously. We have been overwhelmed by the support that we have received since opening up the gofundme appeal in December.
We are thrilled at the response from parishioners and friends from at home and from far afield. It has been a source of great encouragement to the Tralee and Ballymacelligott Select Vestry and parishioners. The amount raised stands at €9,595 with some also donated directly to the parish.
If you would still like to donate, the page will be open until 14th February 2021.
Fundraiser by Tralee Christmas Fair : Christmas fair cancelled - Can you help us? (gofundme.com)
Even though our churches are closed, worship and prayer continues and our Wednesday and Sunday services are broadcast or circulated by email. They can also be found on the parish website and on the parish facebook page.
Ministry still continues, parishioners are ministered to and many of our old buildings still need attention and maintainance.I am always available for a chat on the phone.
For those who have been asking about weekly envelopes, please contact any of the treasurers or church wardens.
The Select Vestries also encourage parishioners to donate electronically and again our two treasurers Belinda and Phyllis will be delighted to help.
Bank Details
St Johns Church Tralee Account name: Tralee and Ballymacelligott Select Vestry,
Account Number: 65065023
Sort Code: 936391
IBAN: IE87 AIBK 9363 9165 0650 23 BIC: AIBKIE2D
Ballymacelligott/Ballyseedy Account name: Tralee and Ballymacelligott Select Vestry,
Account Number: 34308074
Sort Code: 936391
IBAN: IE49 AIBK 9363 9134 3080 74 BIC: AIBKIE2D
Camp and Dingle Account Name: Kilgobbin Church Dingle Union
IBAN: IE85 BOFI90583829817452 BIC: BOFIIE2D
Sympathy To Joe and Joy Condell on the death of Joy’s brother, The Very Rev Victor Stacey In Dublin. Victor was formerly Dean of St Patricks Cathedral in Dublin and regular visitor to Joe and Joy at Castlegregory.
While we are not sure of what the situation will be like regarding gatherings etc we would hope to be planning toward a confirmation service at some stage later in the year. Please let me know if you are interested in confirming your faith as we will need to develop a program of preparation.
Loving God we bring before you
All whose lives have been affected by Covid-19.
Give restoration to those who have lost livelihoods,
Grant healing to those who have become sick and encouragement to those who car for them ,and comfort to those who grieve.
And bestow eternal rest to those who have died. Amen.
During this time I have been reflecting on what I have to be thankful for and I try and see the glass as being half full and ready for a top up .
Prayer of Thanksgiving.
Almighty God we thank you, for all that we enjoy, for the beauty of the world, for the wonder of life, and for the mystery of love, for the blessing of family and friends, and for the loving care which surrounds us on every side. We prayerfully give thanks for all who work in health and healing and social care. Above all, we thank you for your Son Jesus Christ; for the truth of his Word and the example of his life; Grant us the gift of your Spirit so that we may know him and make him known. Amen.
Thank you for your support , please pray for one another and for all who are planning the distribution of the vaccine. Be encouraged and take heart,
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)