Newsletter May 2024

St. John's Church Ashe Street Tralee


May 2024




9.45 am


10.45 am


12 noon


10.00 am


12 noon

4th  May






5pm Feile Na Bealtaine

5th May




No Service

No Service

12th May



No Service



                   19th May




No Service


26th May

 No service






Wednesday group

The Holy Communion is celebrated every Wednesday at 11am in the West Room in St Johns Ashe Street. This is followed by Coffee and fellowship in the Ashe.


Ascension Thursday.

The Holy Communion will be celebrated in St Johns on Ascension Thursday 9th May at 11am.

Note there will not be a service on the Wednesday of that week.


Easter Vestries

Many thanks to all who so generously contribute to the life of our parishes during the year and to those who so faithfully serve on our Select Vestries.


Holy Strollers

On the 7th April a walk was led by Jim near his home in the Milltown area.

It began in the post office square and after a few brief words on Milltown and its history we proceeded to Killaclohane Wood with its Mass Rock.

This was followed by tea in Kilderry.

Hopefully more walks will follow in the Milltown area as it’s a place rich in history.



Féile Na Bealtaine is wonderful weekend during which large crowds come to Dingle. St James Church is at the heart of this festival and it will host a number of concerts.

This year’s Bi Lingual service in St James  will be celebrated on Saturday the 4th May at 5pm, this will be united service for the camp and Dingle part of the parish. The service will be mainly through the medium of English with Irish anois agus aris.

Parishioners from elsewhere in the group would be most welcome

There is always such a buzz around Dingle that weekend.



Much work has been done in preparation for the forthcoming summer season with our information display panels now ready to be assembled and the audio-visual display in the final stages of completion.  On May 8th at 7.30pm we will have a meeting in St John's to discuss opening hours and other details.  If you feel you can offer a few hours of your time to act as a guide or if you just want to know more about the project please come along.  David Tough has kindly offered to do some training with the volunteers on the night which will be very helpful.  While most of us are not experts on the history of the building, what is most important is just to have people present to greet visitors and make them feel welcome. 



The Enchanted Violin concert scheduled for May 3rd will not now go ahead.  Frank's next concert will be Disney Classics by Candlelight at 7pm on May 18th.

Tickets on Eventbrite and also available to purchase at the door.


Uupcoming events St James Dingle.

Eoin Duignan will begin his series of concerts on the 8th of May.

Summer festival in Dingle, Concerts in St James 18 & 19th May



We extend our sympathy to Eric Prestage on the death of his brother Ivan in Wicklow.

and to Stephen Walsh on the death of his father Stewart in Kildare.

To Rev Jessie Langlie and Rev Kevin Stiles on the death of Jessie’s sister Carolyn in the US.


Parishioners in Hospital

Due to privacy rules and GDPR it’s not possible to ask in hospitals anymore for a list of C of I patients. I am happy to visit any parishioner in any of the hospitals and care homes in the wider parish area. The provision of pastoral care to Church of Ireland patients in the hospitals such as UHK and the BONS is part of my role. I work closely with the full-time chaplains, but please let me know if you or a loved one would like a visit or indeed if anyone known to you would like a visit.


Rogation Days

Almighty God, whose will it is that the earth and the sea should bear fruit in due season: Bless the labours of those who work on land and sea,

grant us a good harvest and the grace always to rejoice in your fatherly care; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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