November Newsletter 2018
The Tralee & Dingle Group of Parishes November 2018.
Condolences: To Michael and Sue Latchford on the Death of Frank Latchford in Dublin, Frank is a first cousin of Michaels and was the son of Douglas and Doreen. Christmas Fair: This important fund raising and community building event will be held in Teach and tSolais on the 15thDecember from 10.30am to 2.30pm. A committee has been formed and a stall holders meeting will be held on the 6thNovember at 7pm in Teach an tSolais. We are appealing to all bakers, Jam and chutneys makers. There is also a demand for knitware and crochet items. If you make Christmas decorations we would be delighted to have them too. We need children’s toys, games and books. Have you got anything for our Bric-a-brac stall, ornaments, pictures, unwanted gifts or new electrical items that you will not use? We would be so happy to get them. Don’t forget to ask your local shops for a contribution as we need to make up hampers, so we would be delighted with bottles of wine, spirits edible treats etc. Vouchers would also be so welcome for the Silent Auction. And, please, please remember to sell your Raffle tickets!
KPH AGM Today in Teach an tSolais at 12.15pm, All welcome
All Saints and All souls Service: On Sunday the 4th November during the morning service we will take the opportunity to remember with thankfulness all those who died in the past year. An invitation has been issued to those who have been bereaved. Lighted candles will placed in the sanctuary which can be brought home after the service. 'We believe that all the ties of friendship and affection which knit us as one throughout our lives do not end with death. Confident that God always remembers the good we have done and forgives our sins, let us at this All Saints give thanks to God for the memories that we cherish of those whom we have loved
Harvest Thanksgiving Services: The services in Ballyseedy and in Tralee were well attended. Both churches were generously and creatively decorated by parishioners, Each window in Ballyseedy is decorated by a family from the parish and It was lovely to see the Church packed for the service. Sylvia Thompson preached on environmental issues which is a topic close to her heart. In Tralee members of the different groups that contribute to the life of the parish presented symbols of their ministry at the beginning of the service. It was wonderful to see so many people involved, giving of their talents and time so generously. It was important to say thanks to them and to give thanks for the fruits that spring from their good work. It was also an opportunity for me to thank all those who support the parish in so many ways , to those who come quietly and faithfully to pray and to worship and to those who give of their time in other ways. Tralee church was beautifully decorated and a sight to behold, we kept the church open after church so that visitors could come and marvel at the floral arrangements. The preacher was the Rev Annamarie Stuart from Kilcolman. Tea was served after the service in the hall. Many thanks to you all.
Confirmation : We hope to have confirmation in the parish on the 1st Sunday in May for Tralee and Dingle. Preparation will take place in Teach an tSolais at a time to be agreed with children and parents. More details later. Installation of Canons. Rev Jim and the Rev Liz Beasley will be installed to their seats in the Cathedral chapter at a service of Evensong in St Marys Cathedral on the 25th November at 4pm. Tea will be served after the service in the Cathedral and all are welcome to attend this service. Tax Back: Phyllis Mason our treasurer for Tralee and Ballyseedy has put a lot of time into maximising the return from the tax back scheme and it has paid dividends. We have received about €9000 from the tax man from some donations going back to 2014. If you are a tax payer then every donation greater than €250 per year is worth €363 to the parish while a donation of €500 is worth € 725
If you wish to donate you can do so in a number of ways: 1.Commit to a planned giving scheme, 2.Make a contribution by cheque or Electronic Fund Transfer.
This a confidential process and it’s hoped that more Parishioners will sign up for this scheme. Talk to Phyllis Mason re Tralee, Ballymacelligott and Ballyseedy and to Belinda Gascoigne re Camp and Dingle. The parish is very thankful and appreciative to all who give so generously of their time and resources to support the Churches and their ministry in this area.
Links Ladies: On Oct 22nd at 8pm in Teach an tSolais we welcome Revd. Phyllis Jones who told us all about her fundraising trip earlier this year when she walked part of the Camino Way. On November 26th we will be joined by Robert Hoffman and David Tough who will talk to us about their recent trip to Kenya with CMSI. We would like to thank Revd. Phyllis, Robert and David, in advance for taking the time to come and share their experiences with us. These meetings are open to anyone who would like to come along.
Healer Prayer Service: will be held in Teach an tSolais on Tuesday 6th November at 8pm, followed by tea and fellowship. If you would like someone to be included in the prayer list please email or write the name in the black notebook at the back of each church. Anam Cara is committed to continue offering its services at no charge to bereaved parents and families throughout Ireland. Anam Cara’s main fundraising event for 2018 is our national bag pack. We are looking for some supportive volunteers who would consider helping us for a couple of hours on Saturday 24th November at Dunnes Stores, North Circular Road, Tralee between 10am - 6pm.The income raised on these days helps us to keep our services up and running for those suffering the ultimate loss. If who are interested in helping out, please email Pam at
BB Enrolment: On the 18th November the Tralee Company will be enrolled during the morning service in Tralee. New members and new leaders will be welcomed and enrolled. Many thanks to the Captain, Collette Price and her team of leaders as they look forward to another season. The BB meets in Teach an tSolais on Friday nights and it is open to boys and girls.
Visitors from CBS. A tradition has been established that the 2nd Class children together with the Principal, Denis Coleman and members of the staff attend the mid week communion in St Johns on the Sunday after the harvest. It was also lovely to have our own school present and to hear them sing their harvest hymn during the service.
An ICA service of Remembrance was held in Camp on the evening of All Saints day to remember past ICA members and loved ones. Candles were lit in their memory. Refreshments were served afterwards in the Old School Rooms where Camp ICA gave a cheque for 800 euros to Kerry Hospice and a cheque for 1300 euros was also given to Cystic Fibrosis.
Table Quiz A successful table quiz was held in Ashes bar on the evening of the 26th October and 300 euro was raised for the St James restoration fund.