Good Evening everyone,
I have attached this informal service of the word for tomorrow,which was recorded with some of our parishioners who work in healthcare.
Quite a few of our parish family work in healthcare and I am thankful to the following
who shared their time with us.
Elton, Kate, Rose, Nienke, Noreen, Avril, Sophie and Ciara.
Hopefully this will be last time that we will be gathering on zoom or on our own in our churches to record sunday services,
We remember the Giles family on the death of the Rev Michael Savage in the UK.
Returning to Church
We will return to church on a phased basis.
16th May St Johns Ashe Street, (Holy Communion). x
23rd May Tralee, Ballymac, Camp and Dingle
The Wednesday service will remain on Zoom until early June.
Sunday services return to normal on the first Sunday in June.
However as we do not have a second priest for the moment there will be a slight change to the schedule
Dingle No service 1st Sunday,
Ballymac No Service 2nd Sunday,
Camp No Service 3rd Sunday
Ballyseedy No Service 4th Sunday.
When returning to Church please observe the following precautions.
We observe these precautions as a sign of our care and respect for others as well as ourselves and it is important that the church gives a good example in all of the following.
1. Sanitize your hands
2. Wear face mask.
3.Keep social distance
4. Respect the guidance of the church wardens.
That being said our churches should be very safe places as they are large and airy with natural draughts and with plenty of space for our small congregations.
x For those who wish to receive Holy Communion spiritually ,
Just remain in your pews and use this prayer.
Thanks be to you, Lord Jesus Christ. For all the benefits that you have given to me. Since I am not able for the moment to receive you sacramentally, I ask that you come spiritually into my heart. O most merciful redeemer, friend and brother, may I know you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly day by day. Amen
Let's look out for each other
See you all in due course over the next few weeks