Good Evening to you all
Please find attached the service for this Sunday which is led by David and Linda, Its an Easter Songs of praise, They were assisted in this with Susie and Viv. I have also attached a clip of Elton signing the hymn which did not workout very well the other night on Zoom
Many thanks to you all for doing this.
Elton sings again
Many thanks to all those who have returned envelopes or used other means to continue their subscriptions to the parish,
It looks like we may be able to open our Churches for Worship on Sunday the 27th July which is wonderful and we very much look forward to meeting everyone again. We wait for further information as this date is subject to movement depending on the state of the health of the nation..
We will have to do things a bit differently but we still have plenty of time to listen, to learn and to plan.
Collect for the Sixth Sunday of Easter
God our redeemer,
you have delivered us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of your Son: Grant, that as by his death he has recalled us to life, so by his continual presence in us he may raise us to eternal joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen We have been blessed by great weather which has made life a little easier in the midst of what the country and indeed the whole world is going though at the moment.
I have ammended the following prayer and you might like to read thru it or just use it as we remember those who are unwell or are in hospital and indeed anyone who is experiencing loss or bereavement at this time
Health and Healiing. Heavenly father we know what matters most in our lives is not what we have or what we own, but our health, and so we give our thanks for the dedication and skill of Nurses, Paramedics, ambulance personnel and Doctors. For the staff in our hospitals, clinic and nursing homes at this stressful time. For the work of scientists involved in medical research and for those searching for a vaccine for Covid-19 For those involved in the development of new treatments and therapies. We pray for those known to us who are unwell and are recovering after surgery.Prosper all that is been done to heal the sick and to conquer disease, through Jesus Christ our lord, Amen Jim.